Birthstone Colors: Month by Month Meanings & Birthstone Guide

Birthstones are the stones that have been said to represent each month and the people born in those months. They come in a variety of different gem-types and colors and signify great personality traits and wonderful moments in a person’s life. Understanding the nature of birthstones is a great way to gain an insight into yourself or your loved ones.

Pick out the birth month of the person who’s birthstone you’re curious about understanding and read through the available information presented here. You might find yourself nodding your head and getting a better understanding of that person.

Choose your month and read more about the details of your birthstone and its meaning:

January Birthstone: Garnet

january garnet 1The beginning of the year is well-represented by the handsome and memorable garnet stone. Being positioned so near the new lunar cycle makes it a stone that is symbolic of travel and movement.

Those born in this month often move a great deal in life and experience many joyous and wondrous things. Garnet matches them well and it is perfect for those who need to travel. Garnet is also a stone that is symbolic of friendship and love, making it a great gift for those who need to make new friends or find their true love. It can also be used for protection against the negative energies of others, especially when worn as an amulet around the neck.

Garnet comes in many different colors, including purple, red, and yellowish-green. Purple birthstones represent a great burst of life and a heavy emotional investment. Red is a vibrant and exciting color that indicates a person who is fully of energy and life. Yellow-green is more Earth-bound and is perfect for someone who is reliable and steady.

More about January birthstone >>

February Birthstone: Amethyst

february amethyst
February is often a very cold and bitter month, one that requires great personal fortitude to get through every year. People born in this month are represented by amethyst, a sober and serious purple stone that fits them well.

It is symbolic of courage and strong relationships – people born in February are loyal to their loved ones to the bitter end. They often have a sense of humor, but it is dry and sarcastic. They’re not easy to get to know well, but once you do, they are fiercely loyal and protective of those close to them. The amethyst is associated with spiritual awakening, wisdom, and inner strength. It is reputed to have healing powers for the mind and body, as well as being a powerful stone for meditation.

Purple is a very royal color and this stone was once limited to those in seats of power. As a result, those born in February often have a regal bearing that matches their stone. They are very respected and sometimes serious people, though not without a sense of fun that matches their light-purple, amethyst birthstone.

More about February birthstone >>

March Birthstone: Aquamarine

march aquamarine
Rebirth and the beginning of new life are hallmarks of this month. However, it is one that is often very unpredictable – calm moments of warmth are contrasted with heavy moments of winter distress. As a result, those born in this month are blessed with aquamarine, a light green birthstone that is connected with healing and the soothing powers of the ocean.

Aquamarine is a stone of many colors, ranging from pale green to deep blue. It is an excellent choice for those who are looking for a bicolored or tricolored gemstone. This beautiful stone also has wonderful healing properties, making it perfect for anyone who wants to improve their health and well-being. It is known as a stone of courage and protection, especially during times of danger or stress. Its calming influence can help remove the feeling of being overwhelmed by your current situation, allowing you to take action and make positive changes in your life.

In the past, it was used to cure heart, liver, and stomach diseases – just soak the stone in water and drink the water to get the benefits. It is reflective of the turbulent waters of the ocean, well representing the sometimes virulent and exciting personality of those born in March.

More about March birthstone >>

April Birthstone: Diamond

april diamondThose born in April are soaked in the promise of sunshine and in the rebirth of the world. They are often showered with love and affection and grow up to be pleasant and wonderful adults. Their birthstone, the diamond, perfectly matches their personality. As a clear or white symbol of everlasting love, it shows the true value of those born in April.

Diamonds are a symbol of strength and endurance, which makes them the perfect stone for those born in April. They have been used as talismans since ancient times and are associated with many cultures, including the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Diamonds are also a symbol of hope, faith, and purity. It’s no wonder that those born in April are often associated with these qualities. They are honest, fair and kind people who always look for the best in others.

Diamonds have been highly valued for millennia and are often connected heavily with courage, beauty, and royalty. In the Hindu mythology, they are heavily connected with gods and kings. Those born in April, therefore, are often people of authority or those in control of a situation.

More about April birthstone >>

May Birthstone: Emerald

may emeraldThe rebirth that begins in April reaches its fullest flowering in May. The rich green of its emerald birthstone is symbolic of the flowering of the world. Connected heavily to Venus in ancient Roman times, love, beauty, and wisdom are heavily connected with this stone and those born in this month.

Emerald is a symbol of love and wisdom, making it a popular choice for engagement rings. This stone also has the power to heal emotional wounds and bring inner peace. The emerald is connected to the heart chakra and can be used by those with this chakra in balance to enhance their energy levels.

Expect those born in May to show a lot of patience to those around them and to be surprisingly insightful in difficult situations. Turn to those with the emerald birthstone in times of crisis and when you need a friend who will stand tall beside you in tough times.

More about May birthstone >>

June Birthstone: Pearl

june pearlWhen you say someone is as “precious as a pearl” you are indicating their unique personality, which is as hard to find as a pearl. Those born in June are connected with this birthstone, which has long been a symbol of purity.

The pure white colors of each pearl show a sense of innocence and love that was connected to various goddesses of love in the past, particularly Aphrodite. The June birthstone was also connected to the Virgin Mary, who was often portrayed with a pearl in her hand. The reason why pearl is also a symbol of purity and innocence is because it reflects light in its purest form. This means that those born in June are like this precious gemstone: they have a purity of spirit and love that shines through everything they do.

As a result, many in June have a sense of wonder and light about them. Like the warm and pleasant month in which they were born, they have a simplicity that belies a deeper understanding of the world and which makes them transfixing and wonderful to know.

More about June birthstone >>

July Birthstone: Ruby

july rubyWhen somebody wants to talk about heat, they always compare something to July. The peak month of the summer, it is associated with warmth, happiness, family, and the swing from the beginning of the year towards the end.

Ruby is a stone that enhances creativity and imagination. It helps you to open up your mind to new ideas and opportunities. Ruby can help you to feel more confident about yourself, which makes it easier for you to connect with others. Rubies symbolize energy, strength, and vitality, which are necessary qualities for success in every area of life.

A protector from evil, the ruby signifies love and passion and shows off the fiery temperament of those born in this month. Temperamental, but exciting and passionate about what they love, those born in July can be a whirlwind of a person to know. But they’ll never be called boring.

More about July birthstone >>

August Birthstone: Peridot

august peridotAugust often represents the strongest and most reliable month. The weather is warm, the trees are strong, the crops are at their peak, and the world is comfortable and happy.

Its birthstone, peridot, is representative of this strength. Its light green color is a perfect pairing with the long evenings of August and the fun of sitting outside and contemplating the world. Peridot is a stone that elevates the mind to new heights, allowing us to think about our lives in a whole new way. It’s also a great stone for getting rid of bad habits and replacing them with good ones. This month is all about transition, from summer to fall, from youthfulness to maturity. Peridot allows you to successfully navigate those transitions with grace and ease.

Connecting with volcanoes for centuries, it often represents a person who has a similar volcanic personality. Those born in this month often overwhelm those around them with affection and an outpouring of emotion. Strap yourself in and just go along for the ride.

More about August birthstone >>

September Birthstone: Sapphire

september sapphireSapphire is a deep blue birthstone that is connected to the idea of guarding against evil and the problems associated with poisoning. Wisdom and purity is also connected to those stones and it has been used to ward off bad influences for generations. Its color is symbolic of the waning months of the year – there are only three more after this one.

September is often a month of winding down and preparing for the long winter time. Crops will be picked and heat bills will rise. Those born in September often have a similar personality, but one that matches the deep blue of their birthstone. Most are practical, thoughtful, and hardworking. Quite a contrast to the wildness of the summer stones.

More about September birthstone >>

October Birthstone: Opal

october opalOpals come in many different colors, which symbolizes the somewhat uncertain nature of October as a month. Some Octobers will be warm and pleasant: others will bring in winter and cold weather. Harvest times are often connected with this month, as are the frightful connections with Samhain and Halloween.

The opal, therefore, is designed to protect those born in this month from evil or difficult moments. Those born in this month are often somewhat similar to those born in September, but they have a more spiritual and searching side that makes them roam further from their home.

The opal is also a stone of creativity. Those who are born in October are often creative in some way, whether it be as an artist or writer. The opal can help these people find their true calling and push them forward with confidence and success. Those born in October are also known to be somewhat mysterious. They might be quiet and reserved, but they have a strong presence that draws people to them. The opal is designed to help those who were born in this month find their voice and speak up when needed.

More about October birthstone >>

November Birthstone: Topaz

november citrineNovember is a month of shutting down and preparing for the lengthy deep freeze of winter. That doesn’t mean, however, that November is a cold and loveless month. In fact, its birthstone, topaz, is one of the strongest symbols of love and affection.

Topaz is a beautiful gemstone that has been treasured in cultures around the world for thousands of years. It’s said to bring good fortune, healing powers, and protection from evil spirits. It’s also a symbol of strength and endurance, making it an excellent gift for someone special. The stone is often given as a token of appreciation or recognition for achievements in business, politics, and military service.

Those born in this month are connected to their yellow stone by their endless love, boundless enthusiasm, and great personal strength and intellect. No matter what life throws at them, they bounce back from it with a smile on their face.

More about November birthstone >>

December Birthstone: Turquoise

december topazDecember is the month of the birthstone turquoise. Turquoise is a beautiful blue-green gemstone that comes in many shades, but the most coveted are those that are a vivid blue with greenish undertones. The most prized turquoise is also known as “the sky stone,” because it looks like the sky on a clear day.

Turquoise is one of the oldest gemstones known to man. It was prized by many ancient civilizations and has been found in many tombs dating back thousands of years. The Persians believed that turquoise protected them from harm, while the Native Americans thought it was a symbol of friendship and trustworthiness.

This gemstone has also been used for centuries as a symbol of good luck and protection against evil spirits. The ancient Egyptians believed that turquoise could be used to treat sore eyes and stomach problems. In modern times, turquoise has been used to treat depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders by promoting feelings of calmness and tranquility. Turquoise is also thought to help balance hormones.

More about December birthstone >>

Final Thoughts
Did you see yourself in your birthstone or did you think it was a little off? Chances are you probably saw quite a bit of your personality in your birth month and birthstone. Life takes us to many wonderful and magical places and our birthstones can help guide us to all our destinations.

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