Ghost orbs come in all different colors, sizes and shapes. They are often seen from the corner of the eye, in photographs or when it is dark. Ghost orbs can be a variety of things including residual, elemental, earth or human energy, negative manifestations or entities, spirits, angels and ghosts. Although orbs are different than a human aura, a person can give off an orb under the right circumstances. Paranormal circles often debate the phenomena of orbs. Some individuals believe a ghost orb is an indication there is a spirit nearby.
Orbs are frequently photographed or seen when paranormal activity has taken place. Ghost orbs are extremely common in paranormal videos and photography. Orbs can appear for numerous reasons including the coloring of the lens of the camera, reflective surfaces, rain, bugs, dust and water spots. These reflections can cause the appearance of a ghost orb. The possibility there are orbs with a paranormal nature definitely exists. This is especially true if the orb is seen through the naked eye. Many of these orbs have unusual travel patterns and their own source of light. The different types of ghost orbs include:
Table of Contents
- Silver
- Bright White
- Gold
- Bright Yellow
- Solid Black
- Bright Orange
- Burgundy
- Gray
- Indigo
- Bright Red
- Bright Green
- Bright Blue
- Hot Pink or Fuchsia
- Deep Purple
- Navy Blue
- Sky Blue
- Light Pink
- Violet Purple
- Black with a Light Outline
- Violet Purple with a White Outline
- Murky or Dark Orange
- Grayish or Murky White
- Dark or Murky Red
- Dark or Murky Pink
- Dark Mustard or Murky Yellow
- Dark or Murky Green
This is very different from gray energy. This orb has a white and shiny outline. This symbolizes congratulations, courage and strength. You may see this orb as congratulations for an important accomplishment.
Bright White
This orb is a suggestion divine energy is following you or on your side. This is believed to be energy sent from the heavens when you are sad, grieving, worried or scared. Numerous experts believe this light is sent by God when it is needed the most.
Shiny white surrounding gold energy means something wonderful is headed in your direction or you are receiving a reward. This may signify stability and prosperity.
Bright Yellow
This orb contains a lot of energy. This type of ghost orb is sent to energize your aura or provide you mind and body with strength. If the orb is almost neon and very bright it means you require replenishment.
Solid Black
If the orb is solid black but lacking any glow, this is the manifestation of a negative entity. If this orb is being given off by a person, they are either having negative thoughts or plan to take action regarding something negative.
Bright Orange
This is an indication that a protective and good spirit is close. The spirit may be there to provide protection or because they have befriended your spirit and wish to visit. A bright orange ghost orb is never a reason for concern since these are the good spirits.
There are two different meanings for a burgundy orb. Either greed is close or prosperity is coming. This type of orb is often given by a materialistic individual or spirit. If not, the orb will probably pop.
Gray orbs are residual energy from nearly anything. This includes trails left behind by an entity, animals and people. This is nothing more than dead energy with absolutely no purpose.
When you see an indigo orb, you are being protected by numerous warrior guardians. This is different than a guardian angel. These angels are not human and only come when their protection is required. They can stop the occurrence of a negative event.
Bright Red
You will most likely see this orb when your energy requires cleansing or when you are low on energy. If you need protection, this ghost orb will pop. Bright red orbs are referred to as the light of the warrior because they will guard you when you are weak or scared.
Bright Green
If you need healing, this orb will pop. Green is the color of medicinal orbs. You may see one of these orbs if you are mentally or physically unwell.
Bright Blue
This orb is a type of healing energy. The orb will focus on cleansing your soul or improving your mental state. Bright blue orbs are energizing and refreshing.
Hot Pink or Fuchsia
You will see this orb bouncing around when love is near, you are falling in love or already in love. This orb will strengthen your hope, confidence and soul.
Deep Purple
This ghost orb denotes loyalty. Seeing one means someone loves you very much, cares a lot about you or is thinking of you from far away.
Navy Blue
This orb means guidance will be provided from an authority figure close to your location. This may be a spirit guide or an angel.
Sky Blue
Cupids leave behind this color of energy. They are aware when you need self-assurance or love. When you are considering a new love interest, they will tell you when it is okay. They may also be there to let you know there will be an improvement in your love life.
Light Pink
You will usually see this orb due to the residual energy of children or when a child is present. Your excitement over a new baby or pregnancy may cause this ghost orb to appear.
Violet Purple
This orb is telling you a human-angel is close. This may be a loved one coming for a visit.
Black with a Light Outline
This orb is similar in appearance to a lunar eclipse. The center is black with a white outline around the edges. This means you require psychological strength and protection.
Violet Purple with a White Outline
This ghost orb means your guardian angels are close. These non-human angels will appear when you need them the most.
Murky or Dark Orange
This is a warning orb made of pure energy. This is not typical energy, a spirit or a ghost. This manifestation is a warning about specific places you must not enter or certain events. If this is a person’s aura, your are being told whether to associate with this individual or not. This aura can also be carried by a spirit experiencing a negative turn or difficult times.
Grayish or Murky White
If the ghost orb is grayish-white or white with a murky under-tone, there are most likely ghosts or lost souls nearby. These ghosts are trying to find their way back home and believe you may be able to provide the help they require. If the orb triggers a feeling of malaise, it is because the ghost is experiencing negativity.
Dark or Murky Red
This generally indicates a bad spirit is close by or a spirit has become weak, depressed or angry. These spirits do not feel well, have bad intentions and are interested in either bringing down or terrorizing the manifestations and people around you. This includes you.
Dark or Murky Pink
These orbs will appear when you have allowed your insecurities to take over or are feeling hopeless or disconsolate regarding love.
Dark Mustard or Murky Yellow
Pay attention to this ghost orb because they appear to provide cautionary warnings. If you see this orb in a room, they are telling you not to go inside. If you see this color on a person’s aura, you need to stay clear of them.
Dark or Murky Green
This ghost orb is not always bad. This orb appears when negative energy is released by an animal or a person or when they are healing from a difficult time, an injury or an illness.
Please note that this article is for entertainment purposes only. Obs are more likely to be seen due to the camera’s flash being reflected from unfocused motes of dust, water droplets, or other particles in the air or water. In photography, this is called backscatter.
What does an orb outlined in black, but the center is white and gold, almost like stars sparkling mean?
there are 3 not mentioned which 1 i dont believe we will ever see it and that is the (Holy Spirit . the Other 2 Is Jesus and ABBA Father so i believe ABBA is a Rainbow right side up and Jesus Upside down Rainbow in a Orb . we are in a world where we are to walk a straight and narrow path But everything represented is totaly backward meaning white is Good Black is bad this is the true way , but they see it the other way around . white is Bad black is Good and what was spoken IS Woe to those who say good for bad and bad for Good . its all in scriptures but if this helps anyone then i helped Abba Receive some kind of Praise or Glory and thats all i was intending to do so praise and glorify Our Father and savior and Our Guide GOD The ABBA FatherSONHolySpirit 1 word in 3 parts but still 1 GOD Amen
Beautiful. Amen. Thank you!
As an orb, I suppose by reading their definitions it means that though the area will give a negative impact, you will be given experience and a positive impact as well. Like a non-zero-sum situation? I have no experience in this scenario but that’s my opinion.
How do you tell the difference between gold and yellow?
Gold is darker then yellow hope that helps 🙂
What if I see violet and a light blue outline?
This is so retarded. The orbs are caused by light reflections off of dust particles in the air. The camera picks them up due to the exposure time. There’s nothing paranormal about it, it’s just a quirk of modern cameras.
Ty for the help this website is so cool
I have seen orbs without any camera, in physical form, same room. Sooo. You are wrong.
In photos, yes. However, I saw orbs with my standard vision during the day. They were their own light sources, very bright yellow lights that wiggled around in different paths around the room. Visible for only about 8 seconds before I tried to tell someone else. I’ve seen them twice within the same week. Both in broad daylight. Once in public a room full of people, once alone at home with dogs. Nobody else saw them.
I have a bright turquoise outline in bright white ring all inside a sphere!? Can u help me with this color!? Also I have a odd shape in my fourth picture same color. What does it mean to have a different shape!? Thank you
My game cams have thee most strange recordings.. it’s almost as if there is some kind of spirit using the energy from my headlights to travel and it’s kind of scary looking .. also I have two recordings of these I call them “earth creatures”.. one looks like let’s say Bart Simpson, the other is bigger and and appears to have a large tree limb protruding out his forehead 6’-10’ also I do believe I have a space ship that landed in front of my game cam you can see the big headed pilot n big eyeballs.. but nobody seem to care and I think it’s amazing.. oh yea and also what about these flying orbs that I have flying around bright white big head then they have like other bright white dots that kinda look like vertebrates trailing behind the head? I think they are dangerous because one video I have shows a bright white human figure that kinda looks like me, but the camera I think was a little too close to whoever and it shows one coming straight down out of the sky entering the skull n dude falls out straight to the ground .. I would like some reasonable explanations if someone could help I would very much appreciate it, thanks.
Just seen a murky grayish whit kind of big in the sky fallen to the ground and not seen anymore what is it
but i didnt see it with a camera. i saw it with my eyes and glasses off even.
but it was violet purple so i went here to see what it meant.
~Hello orbs are also a representation of a feeling and there is no concrete definition yet possibilities to could be. You can also attract a color based on what you’re asking. Green could be grounding yet is left up to interpretation.
I was taking photos of orbs in my room. They were all round balls of light except one. It was a long sausage shaped orb with 6 teeth or arms on one side closely spaced together then on the opposite side only 2 teeth pplaced roughly where teeth 3 and 5 are adjacent. It waz clear or light in colour. Alien or Orb?
i am into the paranormal so this helps me figure out what spirits i am with. but i do want to know what orb is for animals
This post was so intriguing! I had no idea that the color of ghost orbs could carry different meanings. I’m especially curious about the significance of the blue and yellow orbs you mentioned. Have you encountered any personal experiences related to those colors? Would love to hear more!