Chakra Colors: Ultimate Guide to 7 Chakras and Their Meanings

From the base of the human’s spine to the top of the head, you can find seven chakras. They appear like energy wheels that run through the body. It is a crucial source of the invisible energy in our bodies. The chakras keep us active, lively, and vibrant every day. Therefore, at the back of our bodies, there is an arrangement of 7 chakra colors. They follow each other like the colors of the rainbow which include red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet color. As the emotions of the body change, these colors also change.

chakra colors

The chakra colors usually indicate the current emotional, spiritual, and physical state of a human being. Therefore, they are vital to the human body. The chakra comprises the main body organs and some bundles of nerves that keep flowing throughout the body. Mostly, there is a connection between colors and our body’s emotions. They are virtually in the form of a fluid, and if they block and stop moving, energy cannot flow in our bodies. It is because there is an intimate connection between the spirit, soul, the mind, and the whole body.

If the seven chakras in the body are blocked, it can lead to serious illness. All of them play a significant role in maintaining a constant flow of energy entirely in the body to avoid imbalance. The chakras keep spinning according to the requirements of the body. We learn about the state of our body through different chakra colors. For instance, if you see a particular color, like green or orange, the body displays different emotions. The colors have a striking effect on our minds because when you look directly at the rainbow, there is a clear indication of calmness after a massive storm. Therefore, we can refer to color as a universal language. Below is a clear explanation of the seven chakra colors, what they represent, and their meanings.

1. Root Chakra (Red Color)

root chakraThe correct Sanskrit term for this type of chakra is the Muladhara Chakra. It is the red color which is the densest color in this category. It is crucial and found in the coccyx, which is the base of the spine. The root chakra defines the human’s relation to the earth. It has a tremendous impact on our survival, vitality, and also the passion.

The survival issues connected here to this color may include things like money, financial independence, and basic things like food. Therefore, it represents the human beings’ foundation and the crucial feelings in life, of being grounded. Other people associate the root chakra with courage, power, strength, love, war, and desire.
Unlike the other colors, red signifies danger because it attracts more attention due to its intensity. It indicates our requirement for logic, physical strength, and orderliness. Mostly, when you are in danger, it arouses the flight response. Additionally, the smelling sense of the human body has a great connection with the Muladhara Chakra. There is a gland known as Gonads attached to the root chakra.

2. Sacral Chakra (Orange Color)

sacral chakraThe right Sanskrit word for this category of chakra is popularly known as the Swadhisthana chakra. The appropriate color associated with this type is the orange color. A good relation of the sacral chakra to the human body is the water element. The impact of the orange color on the body’s emotions is related to sexuality, creativity, desire, the reproductive system, compassion, and many others.

There is a vital connection between the Sacral Chakra and the sense of taste of the body. The female reproductive organs, the bladder, the lymphatic system, and the pelvic glands are some of the major glands impacted by the Swadhisthana chakra.

Mostly, people associate the orange color with enthusiasm, happiness, attraction, and joy. You can find the chakra at the pubic bone, a place below the navel. Therefore, it is the sexual center and the primary source of creativity.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow Color)

solarIt is the color of the sunshine which is always bright. Manipura Chakra is the Sanskrit word for this type of chakra. It means the jewels city. The chakra is the primary source of personal power associated with professional success or the individual’s real-life success. The yellow colors of Solar Plexus Chakra are usually associated with the charge, sun, bright fire, and high volumes of energy. These elements are essential to our body.
They bring a sense of confidence to the body. Additionally, the Solar Plexus Chakra enables human beings to feel cheerful, energetic, and encouraged. It is also associated with producing effects of warming, joy, and intellect, and stimulating the mental activity of the body. There is a connection between this category of chakra and the sense of sight. Adrenal glands in the body are the organs associated with the Manipura Chakra. The chakra occupies the region from the breastbone to the navel.

4. Heart Chakra (Green Color)

heart chakraThe Heart Chakra has an element of the air which is associated with the green colors. It has a huge impact on human beings’ relationships. Therefore, the heart chakra is the main category that is responsible for all types of relationships, including love and marriage. When there is distrust, envy, and unfaithfulness, the heart chakra weakens. It is the main reason why there are breakages of long-term relationships between loved ones.
One of the senses connected to the heart chakra is the sense of touch in the body. It is also associated with nature, believed to bring wholeness into our lives. It is the source of affection and love that builds relationships. It is spiritual in nature and connected to the Thymus and lymph glands in the body.

5. Throat Chakra (Blue Color)

throat chakraIt has another popular term known as Vishuddhi Chakra which may refer to true voice. The throat chakra is blue and crucial in the body and associated with the human being’s ability to listen attentively and also to communicate with other people. There are numerous glands attached to this chakra which include the jaws, teeth, throat, ears, neck vertebrae, and other mouth glands.

When there is a right balance of the throat chakra, we can express our feelings efficiently through communication, using a pleasant voice. It improves the artistic and spiritual abilities of our bodies. Therefore, that is the reason we meditate when we are alone efficiently.

6. Third Eye Chakra (Indigo Color)

third eye chakraThird Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra) enables human beings to see the bigger picture by imagining things. The gland connected to this chakra color is indigo. When the Third Eye Chakra is perfectly balanced, human beings can have wonderful personalities and relate to each other effectively by sharing essential ideas.
It also improves telepathic abilities and reduces the fear of death. The sense of thought is the one connected with this chakra. It is the main center of intuition in the body. It enables us to live focused on our daily activities.

7. The Crown Chakra (Violet Color)

crown chakraThe Sanskrit word for Crown Chakra is the Sahasrara Chakra found at the crown of the head. It enlightens the spiritual connections of one individual to the others, and also to the supreme beings. The nervous system, the pituitary gland, and the brain glands are some of the vital glands connected with the crown chakra.
When there is a good balance of the crown chakra in the body, an individual can have great capabilities like performing miracles, knowing the right and the wrong, interpreting hidden things, and doing many other extraordinary activities.

Final Words

In conclusion, when everyone realizes the essence of the seven chakra colors, we can consider the effective techniques to keep them balanced all the time. It will enable us to stay fit emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Additional read: Birthstone Colors and their Meanings

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  1. 15.11.2017 chakras of our earth, first chakra=lem=blue, second chakra=rem=yellow, third chakra=rim=red, fourth chakra=yem=pink, fifth chakra=hem=violett, sixth chakra=real=turquoise, seventh chakra=rom,rim,ram,rem=white

  2. The question could be: When and how do you see these colors? I sometimes see colors in the darkness of my meditation behind closed eyes. If I do see colors, what does that mean? If I don’t see any colors, what does that mean?

    • I used the 528HZ for healing on my vocal chords. A few years ago I was told that I would need surgery, and for a singer and songwriter was like hearing a death sentence. Through this I have my voice back 95%. I would also like to know about the 172hz as to what it means. This number comes up in many areas throughout my life. I just read about it today.

    • I see these colors when I’m doing yoga and we close our eyes. Sometimes we are exercising and sometimes meditating. The color connects to your feelings, which is what the color chart gives you answers to. If you don’t see a color, maybe you aren’t open to seeing the colors- I have no idea. Have a great day!

  3. Good morning (south african time), after speaking to my ex wife last night with eyes closed, not sure if i was dreaming or awake, i kept seeing the color violet. On suggestion of my ex I’d like to start cleansing my chakras in order true and get to the next level…higher consciousness.

  4. I do visualize colors while doing guided chakra meditations, but do hearing this music helps in balancing chakras? I would love to know more about it. Guide me. Thanks for a wonderful article.

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