Category General

green color palette

What colors go well with green?

The color green exudes a natural health and balance. It is the color that we associate with a healthy earth and fresh scent. It is the grass under our feet, the leaves over our heads, the herbs in our gardens,…

brown shades

What Colors Make Brown – How to Mix Brown Color

The color green appears ubiquitously throughout nature. Grass, leaves, birds, it is associated with health and vitality. Its presence and hue are largely determined by the presence of chlorophyll, the chemical that allows plants to photosynthesize and convert sunlight into…

dogs colors 3

Do Dogs See Color?

In the early 1990s, there was a music video by solo artist Phil Collins (formerly the lead singer of the band Genesis) frequently show on music television channels. The video follows a dog’s field of view. Sometimes the video has…