Lime Green

Lime green is a lively, bright yellowish-green color. It is named after the color of the skin of limes. It is also referred to as yellow-green, lemon-lime, lime green, or bitter lime.

A triad color scheme consists of three colors evenly spaced on the color wheel.
A tetrad color scheme uses four colors arranged into two complementary pairs.
A monochromatic color scheme uses variations in lightness and saturation of a single color.
An analogous color scheme uses colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel.
Split Complements
A split-complementary color scheme uses a base color and the two colors adjacent to its complement.

Lime Green Tints & Shades

Tints are created by adding white to a base color, resulting in lighter variations of the original color.
Shades are created by adding black to a base color, resulting in darker variations of the original color.

Create Color Palettes with Lime Green


In order to create this eye-catching shade, you first need to make green, as it is a secondary color. Green can be made by mixing equal parts of blue and yellow. By adding more yellow, you will achieve lime green’s bright hue. Colors that are similar to lime green are seafoam green, kelly green, neon green. The hex code for lime green is #32CD32.

Web designers and developers distinguish between two shades of “lime”. The other shade of lime green, with the hex code #00FF00, is slightly darker than the above mentioned one.

The History of Lime Green

Evidence of what may be the earliest-known use of color green dates from the prehistoric period. Ceramics from that time show people wearing vivid green costumes, even though it is not yet known how the color was produced in those days. In Ancient Egypt, green was the symbol of regeneration, good health and rebirth. During that period, green was closely associated with vegetation, vigor and growth. Later on, throughout the Middle Ages and Renaissance, green represented a person’s social rank and profession, and could only be worn by the elite. For that reason, it was reserved for merchants, bankers, and the gentry. In the 18th and 19th centuries, green was depicted as the fundamental color of the romantic movement in literature and art, only to become a political symbol of many countries in the Modern Era.

The first use of lime green as a color name in English was in 1890. Lime green became fashionable in the 70s, or what is now known as ’’the most colorful decade of the fashion’’. Few years back, lime green’s vibrant and energetic shade has become the must-try trend once again.

The Color Psychology of Lime Green

Being a dominant color in nature, green is associated with vegetation, harmony, and piece. As a harmonizing, balancing and calming shade, green is sometimes portrayed as a sanctuary away from the stresses of our everyday lives. According to color psychology, green’s calming effects may be due to its associations with natural world, which people often find relaxing and refreshing, and it provides them with a sense of security.

It is found that the human eye is able to differentiate more shades of green than any other color, as well as that the color green is among the three source colors that the human eye can distinguish among 10 million shades of other colors. According to the science, the reason for that lies in evolution, and the fact that our early ancestors were exposed to color green more than to any other color on the color wheel. Due to the above-mentioned findings, it is easy to understand why color green mostly stands for nature, security, renewal, and growth.

On the negative side, green can represent greed, ambition, jealousy, envy. Color psychology claims that negative traits of color green include possessiveness, inconsideration, and selfishness.

It is believed that people who chose color green are analytical, reasonable, calm, and inventive. They live their lives by their own standards, and are problem solvers. They make decision based on logic, but are still able to get in touch with their nurturing, caring side.

Lighter shades of green are associated with freshness and creativity. Lime green is a color that closely relates to confidence and high energy, and is thought to promote feelings of liveliness and excitement. It can have a much more inspiring and energizing effect on a person than some darker shades of green can. On the other hand, it can sometimes evoke feelings of annoyance, or restlessness. One study even found that green-yellow color was strongly related to feelings of disgust and sickness, which might explain the phrase ’’green around the gills’’.


The Use of Lime Green

Lime green goes well with colors such as silver, gray, black, white, and fuchsia. For a dramatic and striking look, pairing it with yellow, orange, or even hot pink would be a good choice.

Despite its bright, vivid shade, lime green is a trendy color in fashion and home design, especially when combined with darker tones.

Lime green is mostly used for decor. It can provide a refreshing look, but still keep it light. Painting the whole room in lime green can give an intense and aggressive vibe. Home designers use it for bed covers, curtains, cushion covers, or even furniture. Unlike in home design, experimenting with lime green in clothing is not such a risk taking (you can change your clothes a couple of times a day, but the color of your walls should stick for a while). It is believed that lime green in fashion depicts boldness, youthfulness, creativity, making it a perfect color for expressing yourself.

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One comment

  1. I loved this deep dive into lime green! The breakdown of color psychology really resonated with me, especially how it symbolizes energy and renewal. I never knew the specific HEX and RGB codes could add such a precise touch to designs. Thanks for sharing these insights!

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