Seafoam green is one of the softest colors associated with the ocean. With notes of green and blue, but also with a small tint of grey, this unfortunately also makes the color comparable with others. With a hex code of #93E9BE, it is also mostly likened to the color mint green. However, while many people see these two colors as the same, mint green has its own separate hex code, #98FF98, and is therefore considered a different color.
A triad color scheme consists of three colors evenly spaced on the color wheel.
A tetrad color scheme uses four colors arranged into two complementary pairs.
A monochromatic color scheme uses variations in lightness and saturation of a single color.
An analogous color scheme uses colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel.
Split Complements
A split-complementary color scheme uses a base color and the two colors adjacent to its complement.
Seafoam Green Tints & Shades
Tints are created by adding white to a base color, resulting in lighter variations of the original color.
Shades are created by adding black to a base color, resulting in darker variations of the original color.
Create Color Palettes with Seafoam Green
What is Really Mixed In?
Like it was stated previously, like a slew of other colors, seafoam green is a mixture of green and blue. However, this color adds gray but is interestingly the color that has the most green within it. This means that the overall mood of the color is affected largely by the natural notes of green, but it does not overshadow the softness of the color, leaving it refreshingly bright green.
When and Where Did Seafoam Green Come?
Seafoam green started to become more central in daily life all the way in the 1700s, but hadn’t yet been of focus until the 1950s when it was mostly used for clothing. However, it didn’t take long for the color to spread, and soon cars, couches, and almost everything else were seafoam green, or at the very least, incredibly pastel. This is why you can see it mostly within this time frame, as the love for bright colors seemed to fade along with the time period. This color, of course, is a reference to the foam that the ocean creates, weirdly enough, though, seafoam is technically not seafoam green! The natural color of real seafoam is a bright white, which means the color was named after the lighter notes of the sea, instead of the foam it creates.
What are Seafoam’s Psychological Qualities?
When you usually look at the color green, you may think of money, nature, and on the darker side, jealousy. Many people use the phrase, “green with envy” to describe that feeling, and with this comes the association to the mood. Green is also used in many places and considered “healthy”, as green is so tightly wound with the concept of the environment and growth. And while many think of the ocean when they see blue, they might also think of sadness or bad weather. Fortunately, when mixed together correctly, the color seafoam green has a lot of positive associations and feelings attached to it. This color is mostly seen as connecting to the sea, and because of the softness and brightness of it, it is also often used when the room needs a bit of cheering up, or when you need to feel a little more fresh and soft.